Wicked Dub Division

Wicked Dub Division foto Luca A. d’Agostino

Wicked Dub Division was born in Italy and initially released a series of vinyl singles produced for the sound system scene. When singer Michela Grena stepped into the reggae dub constellation, it marked a new starting point for the ensemble towards a path of musical experimentation. Blazing and hypnotic sounds with wicked and minimal beats together with Michela Grena’s expressive, present voice have become the group’s winning signature. As well as playing in homage to the origins of reggae’s roots revisited in dub, the group has been creating new songs in a unique style. When Wicked Dub Division enters the Urkult stage in the late summer festival night, float along, dance and share the love for our green planet and mother. One love.

Photo Luca A. d’Agostino


Posted on

3 May 2024